A Complete Guide to Elevate a Child’s Attention Span and Enhance Memory by the top secondary school in singapore

Children already have a hard time focusing when given anything they see as tough or hard, so they are more likely to quit before giving the work their all. If your kid has trouble staying focused, especially while doing anything difficult, try some of these techniques to see if it helps.

Tips to Expand Attention Span

Engage in Physical Activity

Those children who have trouble paying attention might benefit from short periods of vigorous play. An attention-deficit youngster may benefit from short breaks in the classroom bouncing on exercise balls, stretching a bit, studying in smaller pieces, and time spent playing outside. 

The addition of 15 minutes of vigorous playtime before a difficult activity may also help a youngster maintain focus.

Periodical Breaks

Explain to your kids what it means to pay attention and how to do it. Take regular pauses to refocus their concentration. Have a signal go off throughout the work period, either using a timer or a mobile app and have the youngster check off whether or not he or she was paying attention. 

Modify Time Periods

When youngsters can’t seem to focus no matter how much you try to get their attention, try presenting the material in smaller chunks. According to the best schools in singapore The average attention span of a class of six-year-olds is between 12 and 30 minutes.

Have the student whose attention span is suffering exhibit his or her work after a certain amount of time has elapsed using a timer. This helps to divide up the labour so that the youngster isn’t overwhelmed by any one part of the project.

Be wary of giving long lectures to youngsters, since they often lose interest quickly. It’s important to keep these kids engaged, so be sure to solicit their thoughts often. Sometimes all it takes to keep pupils focused is a simple inquiry that elicits a show of hands.

Eliminate All Distractions

Cluttered study space might distract a youngster who is already having trouble focusing on the work at hand. Getting rid of extra visual stimulation and distractions in the office is a good place to start. Consequently, the kid has fewer justifications for losing concentration.

Memory isn’t a muscle, but it helps concentrate. Memory games help youngsters from the top secondary school in Singapore focus enjoyably so they may concentrate on difficult tasks. Play memory games in class or with attention-challenged pupils outside of class. Memory games on classroom gadgets promote spontaneous play.

Simple games may be just as effective for training your memory. Red light, green light, I spy, and Simon Says are all great games that require a youngster to pay attention. The game Concentration or a deck of memory-matching cards may also be used to aid with concentration.

Task Ranking (and Modification)

Ask your child to rank the difficulty of the task from one to ten if you perceive that he or she is continuously avoiding work or looks too preoccupied. In the event, the youngster rates the activity an eight or above, inquiring as to what modifications may reduce the difficulty to a two or three. It’s possible to learn a lot about how to make the kid feel less frustrated.

Dividing Work Into Smaller Tasks

The best schools in Singapore suggest parents tell their kids to give their all for a while so that they can get a good chunk of the work done, after that take a break and come back to finish the other parts. A child who has trouble focusing on a single job may complete it sooner if they break it up into smaller chunks.

What you should do to improve your kid’s Memory

Your youngster will benefit greatly from developing strong memory skills. Your child’s success in school and their daily activities can enhance by helping them develop strong memory abilities. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has a photographic memory. It’s ideal to teach your kids early on how to improve their memories while they’re still young. Here are some things you can do and avoid doing to aid your kid’s memory:

  • Visualise. Tell your youngster to visualise what they’ve read or heard. Encourage your youngster to visualise historical events after reading. Mix-and-match games may help boost visual memory. Word or picture flashcards might aid with word definitions.
  • Multisensory is the best. When studying, help them to use all senses. Instead of only reading about oranges, let your youngster touch, smell, taste, and count the segments and seeds. The top secondary school in Singapore believes that processing information visually, aurally, tactilely, and physically can help a student improve memory.
  • Use Colors. Our attention filter only allows in a tiny percentage of the billions of sensory inputs every second. The colour goes through this filter nicely, so use it. Use coloured markers to mark up reading sections. Use sticky notes to write essential learning topics. Colour-coded study regimens help memory and organisation.
  • Patterns help. Helping your youngster recognize patterns, from the alphabet to categories, boosts their memory. Since this method involves repetition, it will strengthen your child’s long-term memory.
  • Link experiences. Personal encounters may assist our youngsters to develop stronger memory retaining power. When learning about various types of transportation, you may discuss your last vacation. A student remembers a lesson better if it’s associated with something fun to remember.


Students studying in the best schools in Singapore may benefit greatly from these practices in their routine. The atmosphere you establish for your child will be much enhanced by the time you spend studying and learning things together in an enjoyable manner.

There will inevitably be those youngsters who have more trouble paying attention than others. A teacher’s ability to influence their pupils’ ability to focus is within their grasp. You can make a huge difference in your kids’ lives with just a little bit of additional effort on your side.

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