What is “treason against the homeland”, a crime of which opposition deputies have been accused
Both the president and the deputies of Morena used the insult of “traitors” against politicians from PAN, PRI, PRD, and MC
After the vote on the Electrical Reform in the Chamber of Deputies, the members of the pro-government caucus (Morena, PT, PVEM) and those who voted against (PAN, PRI, PRD, MC), have pointed out to each other that they are “traitors to the homeland” , and even the President of the Republic himself, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, attacked his critics with this accusation.
In this context, the offense related to “Treason” was stipulated in the Federal Penal Code, First Chapter of the Second Book, First Title on crimes against the security of the Nation.
“A prison sentence of five to forty years and a fine of up to fifty thousand pesos will be imposed on the Mexican who commits treason”, as indicated in Article 123, reformed in the Official Gazette of the Federation on July 29, 1970.
They would incur this crime, for example,
whoever “performs acts against the independence, sovereignty or integrity of the Mexican Nation with the purpose of submitting it to a foreign person, group or government.”
Also, those who may be part of or cooperate in some way in acts of hostility against the Nation, such as warlike actions by order of a foreign State.
In this context, ” when nationals serve as troops, a prison sentence of one to nine years and a fine of up to ten thousand pesos will be imposed.”
On the other hand, it was warned that anyone who “illegally deprives a person of their liberty in the national territory to hand them over to the authorities of another country or transfer them outside of Mexico” could be investigated for this crime. Punishment for Treason and What It Consists Of
In the third paragraph, it was also detailed that “traitors to the homeland” could be those who are part of armed groups led by foreigners, if their objective is to threaten the independence, sovereignty, freedom, or integrity of Mexico, including those who seek to invade the country.
Added to this crime are those who destroy or remove the signs that mark the limits of the territory, and borders, and cause confusion that causes conflict for the country.
Also to those who recruit people to wage a war in Mexico with the help of a foreign government; or those who have a relationship or intelligence with other States, and exchange instructions, information, or advice for the invasion, also including the exchange of documents, instructions or data from military establishments and activities, in addition to those who knowingly conceal acts of espionage.
Also enlisted in this crime are those who provide human or material elements, and facilitate the entry to military posts of foreign States to invade the Mexican country or those who prevent national troops from receiving aid.
Also,those who request intervention or protectorate from a foreign country, and this triggers a war in Mexico. If there is no medical conflict, they indicated “the prison will be from four to eight years and a fine of up to ten thousand pesos. “
And in the case of individuals who request others from a different State to take up arms within the territory for their invasion;
If it is not specified, the penalty will be “from four to eight years in prison and a fine of up to ten thousand pesos. ” In this sense, those who try to “alienate or encumber the national territory or contribute to its dismemberment” could be accused of “traitors”.
Lastly, those who:
“ Receive any benefit, or accept a promise to receive it, in order to perform any of the acts indicated in this article.
“ Accept a job, position or commission from the invader and dictate, agree or vote measures aimed at affirming the intruding government and weakening the national one.
“Commit, declared war or broken hostilities, sedition, mutiny, rebellion, terrorism, sabotage or conspiracy. “ new business in Singapore